and it’s a sweeeeeet one!
Thanks to Agnes from Bytown Sound who took the time to listen to the album ( and you can do so on my website here and on spotify ) and who thoroughly reviewed it with an array of words that surprised and delighted me.
Salut! Moi c’est Sophie. Je suis une artiste multidimensionnelle.
Quessé ça? À travers la musique, les mots et les ondes, je crée des ponts entre les histoires et les âmes. Bienvenue dans mon univers, un espace où la voix et la plume se rencontrent pour explorer l’invisible et toucher l’essentiel.
Thanks to Agnes from Bytown Sound who took the time to listen to the album ( and you can do so on my website here and on spotify ) and who thoroughly reviewed it with an array of words that surprised and delighted me.