Histoire en queue de poisson
“…travailler pour tuer mes jours contre le sommeil de mes nuits.” 3:45 pm ce vendredi à Ottawa J’ai l’impression de perdre ma vie. Au moins je l’ai battu aux […]
One of Montreal’s Hidden Gems
I spent the last few days in beautiful Montreal because we needed to film some more shots for my first videoclip and I decided to go there earlier than needed to enjoy […]
Sophie’s got a brand new toy!
Why Akai ?‘Cause there was one for sale on Kijiji at half the retail price, and the add had been put up 17 minutes before I checked on the website. […]
Sneak Peak – my First Videoclip!
Yes. Correct! A VIDEOCLIP! Well, there are good things happening in 2017 indeed! This is something completely new for me, as I am used to live performances recordings: The whole real-deal-filming-thing is on […]